Lectures by
Stuart Perrin

Quotes from lectures given by Stuart during meditation Intensives:

hen a human being uses will to dictate the ways of the world, he spends his time manipulating shadows...
ain forces us to look for less obvious answers, it forces us to respect an inner voice guiding us through a maze of illusion to a place within ourselves connected to Infinite Energy In the Universe...
e trip and stumble over life's obstacles till life's obstacles remind us that only spirit is infinite. Everything else is finite and limited, a piece of a puzzle, mere steps on a ladder leading to God. We refuse to live in the moment, but drift with mind and emotion from the past to the future, unaware of a simple reality: this moment contains what is, was, and will be. If we continue to drift unconsciously from moment to moment, life's splendor slips right past us...
editation brings together life's discordant elements. It creates harmony and balance within a human being; it dredges up inner garbage, flushes it out, and gives us a taste of transcendental energy. Hunger for spiritual food is the first step on the path to enlightenment...
he creative process follows nature's cyclical teachings where season gives birth to season, where life and death are organic to evolution, where erosion and decay are as much a part of the landscape as fruition and bounty. Every human being is unique and every human being is exactly where he's supposed to be on the evolutionary scale. But each of us has a chakra system and that system of energy centers connects us to God. Meditation practice helps us develop strong inner lives. It can change patterns that keep us from growing and It can connect our consciousness with Infinite Energy in the Universe. There's no limit to creative growth if we're willing to learn how to do it...
e're up against ourselves. We're the problem and we're also the solution to the problem. Meditation is work for spiritual warriors and the enemy isn't political, religious or racial. The enemy is within every human being. When we learn to transform tension into spirit, when we no longer sit in judgement of other people, when we learn to forgive and to have compassion, when we learn to quiet a tense and neurotic mind, when we learn to live each day with harmony and balance, when we learn to be grateful for the things that bother us (to take out the garbage with an open heart), when we learn the only successful person on earth is a happy person, when we learn these things, and more importantly, when we live them, we are well on our warrior's path to enlightenment.
e do not come to earth to be unhappy. We come here to live a life full of wonder, a spontaneous life in which love and joy are the language of God spoken by people who have shed veneers of anger, cynicism and insecurity. To find one happy person is more difficult then finding the Holy Grail. But happiness is simple. All we have to do is open our hearts...
wise man admits to knowing nothing, but fools dress themselves in garments woven from threads of ego, they convince hemselves their knowledge will change the world, they convince themselves their dogmatic and righteous approach to life is the only path to God. A wise man looks for knowledge in the unknown. He doesn't try to change people, but builds a link between himself and God. He admits his own limitations, he lets life be, and he loves people for who and what they are...

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